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Rexon joins hands with suppliers to learn and implement carbon reduction continuously.

Rexon joins hands with suppliers to learn and implement carbon reduction continuously.

In order to enhance the sustainability of the supply chain, Rexon actively formed a sustainable supply chain and worked together towards the vision of sustainability. On April 21, 2023, Rexon, in collaboration with the Industrial Technology Research Institute, organized the first "Export Product Carbon Reduction Workshop." The workshop aimed to share how Taiwanese companies respond to international net-zero emission policies. Consultants from the Industrial Technology Research Institute and experts from Hying Technology provided practical exercises on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint calculation for products. The goal is to lead suppliers in promoting a low-carbon economy together.

Blood Donation Is Easy, but Sharing and Giving is Challenging

Blood Donation Is Easy, but Sharing and Giving is Challenging

Rexon is 51 years old and organizing blood donation drives. How old are you this year? Are you as healthy and passionate as Rexon? After the initial experience of the "Sharing and Giving" activity, this time, the donated items were even more diverse, and the stories behind them were richer. Some people quickly took out items while their mothers were not at home (we wonder what their mothers' reaction would be...). Some struggled to part with items they had considered for a long time. Others carefully selected and made choices in their homes. As a result, their homes became cleaner and more organized. Various emotions intertwined during the "Sharing and Giving" activity. Everyone had their struggles during the process of sharing and giving. After all, these were items they had once owned, with many memories and sentimental value. However, objects themselves have no emotions. Their value only exists when they are put to good use. When they are no longer suitable for themselves and find new owners who can fully utilize their original functions, they shine again. No matter how much reluctance there is, it becomes a touching moment. Through the "Sharing and Giving" activity, we have experienced and implemented the concept of sustainable circulation in practical terms. Thank you all for making the "Sharing and Giving" activity a success once again.

Standing at Heights Unseen by Children

Standing at Heights Unseen by Children

Classrooms are where children learn, and the areas they can clean are limited to their line of sight. Therefore, it's our responsibility to clean the high places, such as ceiling fans, lights, and wall fans. Initially, we planned to clean only the ceiling fans, lights, and wall fans, but it turned out that it took almost two hours to clean just one classroom. Upon closer inspection, we noticed that our colleagues embraced the 5S spirit of the company and cleaned all the dirty areas they came across. This included the dust above the blackboard, the air conditioner vents, the dust inside cabinets, the window frames, and more. After completing the cleaning, they proceeded to wipe and return the desks and chairs to their places, and finally, they swept and mopped the floors. Our colleagues believed that the place where children study should be clean, and with this simple mindset, they diligently and attentively carried out their tasks. Buckets of water were changed, and the cleaning cloth would quickly turn dirty, but with everyone's teamwork, it took five days to complete all 30 classrooms. When we heard the teachers praising us for our thorough cleanliness, we felt relieved and accomplished. We hope all the children can enjoy studying and focus on their learning. Rest assured, we'll take care of the heights you can't see. Mission accomplished at Mei-Chun Elementary School!

Leave the Woodworking to Us

Leave the Woodworking to Us

Entering Tucheng Elementary School, we didn't just see rigid cement classrooms. Many places on campus were adorned with warm and inviting wooden decorations. However, wood requires regular maintenance and can decay over time or due to weather conditions. As a professional power tool manufacturer, we took the opportunity to repair the school's wooden structures before the winter break. We painted and gave them a fresh look. We reconstructed the footboards, adjusting them to the height of the children's tricycles so that they could comfortably dispose of trash. The outdoor wooden chairs at the school had become unsafe due to damage, so we repaired them using unused wood with minimal cost, breathing new life into the old chairs. Like magicians, we transformed unsafe areas into safe ones, applying a protective coat of paint to all wooden structures, hoping to continue their lifespan and accompany children as they grow. Additionally, during our spare time, we assisted in cleaning the mud and sediment from the gutters, aiming to prevent water accumulation during the upcoming rainy season and provide a safer and more comfortable campus environment for the children. We hope that Tucheng Elementary School can continue to maintain its wooden elements, providing children with a warm and gentle learning environment. Although wooden objects require more time for maintenance and repairs, it's not a problem. Leave it to Rexon, and we will gladly help with the maintenance.

Embracing 2023 with More Love

Embracing 2023 with More Love

Located in Yuanlin, Changhua City, Simply ICR is formed by a group of parents of individuals with intellectual disabilities and scholars and experts who care about the well-being of individuals with intellectual disabilities. They spare no effort in enhancing work skills, cultivating attitudes, and promoting the participation of individuals with intellectual disabilities in social activities. The seemingly simple and repetitive packaging tasks not only require agile finger movements but also involve coordinated actions and interactions with peers. The scope of their work goes beyond product packaging. Even the design of the packaging materials themselves is inspired by the artwork created by the studio members. To spread awareness about this loving group, Rexon Industrial and Simply ICR Studio have prepared a gift to welcome 2023. Have you received the gift? A single star's twinkle cannot create a dazzling starry sky. Let’s all be the stars that shine, complementing each other's radiance, and emitting the indispensable light for everyone. All the employees of Rexon Industrial invite you to join us in making 2023 a year filled with love.

Greening the Factory - Greening Every Corner with Our Heart

Greening the Factory - Greening Every Corner with Our Heart

Abandoned soil in the corners of construction sites, once sieved again, becomes a nurturing bed for the growth of another tree. Starting from small places around us, let's put in some effort for our environment.

Blood Donation/Sharing and Giving

Blood Donation/Sharing and Giving

In April 2021, during the most challenging period of the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan, the country faced a severe blood shortage. To help increase the blood supply, Rexon Industrial initiated an internal blood donation campaign that continues to this day. We deeply appreciate the enthusiastic participation of our Rexon partners. And this time, during the blood donation event, we also responded to the spirit of sustainability by organizing our first "Sharing and Giving" activity. We took out items from our homes that we no longer needed, that were unused and in good condition, and gave them to people who could make use of them, fully realizing the value of the items themselves instead of just keeping them at home. During the collection process, we couldn't help but ask ourselves if we were sure about giving away certain items. Some items were in great condition! However, this is the essence of the "Sharing and Giving" concept. Things we no longer need may be exactly what others need, extending the lifespan of the items, reducing waste, and preserving Earth's resources. Good deeds require continuous effort. We'll see you again in the next "Sharing and Giving" activity!

Volunteer Service - Taichung Hope Home

Volunteer Service - Taichung Hope Home

Within a 6-minute drive from our company is Taichung Hope Home in Dali District. Today, our compassionate angels from the company volunteered here, cleaning the floors, mopping, and sweeping. Despite the rain, our volunteers' enthusiasm was boiling. They utilized their cleaning skills from home and the 5S experience from the company, making Taichung Hope Home the cleanest place possible.