Corporate Sustainability Corporate Sustainability Corporate Sustainability



Sustainable Governance

The management team at Rexon upholds the corporate culture of "honesty, stability, and growth." Through comprehensive lean management and technological innovation, we strive to differentiate ourselves and maintain a competitive edge. We aim to meet customer needs, foster win-win partnerships, and pursue high-quality growth and sustainable operations for the company.

Governance Structure

Rexon Industrial operates under a governance structure with the Board of Directors as the highest governing body, chaired by Chairman Wang Kuan-Hsiang. The Board of Directors is supported by the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee, which assist in fulfilling the board's oversight responsibilities. To ensure clarity of organizational structure and the independence of operations, the Chairman does not concurrently hold an executive position within the company. In 2017, the Board of Directors approved the "Corporate Social Responsibility Practices Code" to govern corporate social responsibility policies, systems, management principles, and communication and disclosure of information to stakeholders.

Operational Performance

In 2022, the company faced significant challenges in its operations. The past two years have been greatly impacted by the global economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in unprecedented uncertainty in supply and demand in the market. Changes in lifestyle and consumer habits, such as the surge and subsequent decline in demand for home fitness equipment due to the rise of the home-based economy, coupled with factors like the Ukraine-Russia conflict, geopolitical tensions, persistent inflation, ongoing interest rate hikes, and the lifting of pandemic restrictions, have weakened consumer demand and significantly reduced customer needs. This has led to high market inventory levels, causing a significant impact on the company's revenue and profitability. Despite the adverse operating environment, Rexon has adopted a prudent approach to upholding its core values and demonstrates competitive advantages, standing strong amidst this economic turbulence.

Business Performance Model

Sustainable Business

Shareholders, Customers

Financial Perspective

Ensure a gross profit margin of 20% or higher.

Ensure a 100% on-time delivery rate for orders.

VII. Business Performance Results

Creating Value


Customer Perspective

Create customer value.

III. Customers and Markets

Continuous Internal Quality Improvement


Internal Process - Perspective

Enhance supplier QCCD performance.

Comprehensive Process Improvement

Enhancing Product and Technological Innovation Results

Digitize information flow.

II. Strategic Planning and Innovation; V. Operations Management

VI. Information Management

Mutual Growth


Learning and Growth Perspective

Promote a culture of accountability and establish systems that hold individuals and organizations accountable.

Improving Employee Quality

IV. Resource Management

II. Strategic Planning and Innovation



Risk Management _

In order to strengthen risk management, Rexon has adopted the "Risk Management Practices Code," which is approved by the Board of Directors and implemented by the board, executives, and employees. Its purpose is to promote the sound operation of the company and ensure the reasonable achievement of its objectives. Rexon's operations encompass the assessment of uncertainties in management, innovation, resources, technology, demand, market, and planning. These uncertainties are evaluated and categorized into nine thematic areas for risk management, including research and development cycles, procurement and payment cycles, production cycles, sales and collection cycles, information systems cycles, fixed asset cycles, financing cycles, investment cycles, and payroll cycles. These collectively form the nine quality cycles. Additionally, risk management policies and measures are formulated to address risks and crises effectively.

Major Risks

1. In the event of general abnormalities that unit supervisors cannot handle, they may be escalated as major risks.
2. Definition of major risks
• Major work-related accidents and incidents
• Significant events that impact the company's operations
• Events that have an impact on the company's image

Commander, General Manager

Communication System

Unified external communication window

Risk Management Team Convener

Convene meetings to discuss countermeasures

Unit supervisors

General risks

Financing cycle

Investment cycle

Research and development cycle

Procurement payment cycle

Production cycle

Sales collection cycle

Fixed asset cycle

Salary cycle

Information system cycle

※ According to the definition of the nine major cycles in internal control, each unit is responsible for risk monitoring and indicator management. If any indicators exceed the specified limits, unit supervisors are required to review and implement appropriate measures.



Integrity and Ethics _

Rexon Industrial adheres to the highest standards of professional ethics, self-imposed requirements, and strict discipline. It maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and prohibits any acts of bribery, fraud, misuse of company assets, or sacrificing company interests for personal gain.
The Audit Department is responsible for conducting audits and strengthening compliance with the company's "Code of Conduct" and "Code of Ethics." It ensures that employees have a thorough understanding of the regulations regarding acceptance of hospitality, social interactions, and gifts, and establishes mechanisms for assessing the risks associated with unethical behavior. Regular analysis and evaluation of business activities within the scope of operations with a higher risk of unethical behavior are conducted. Additionally, effective accounting systems and internal control mechanisms are established to prevent off-book accounts or undisclosed accounts. The systems should be regularly reviewed to ensure their continued effectiveness in design and implementation.

Integrity and Ethics

Regulatory Compliance

In order to establish an honest, sound, and thriving corporate culture and promote sound business practices, Rexon Industrial has established a whistleblowing system to report violations of professional ethics. This system includes channels for reporting and procedures for handling such reports, ensuring the protection of the whistleblower's rights and the rights of related parties. Any internal or external stakeholders of Rexon Industrial who discover any behavior that may jeopardize the company's reputation or the security of its assets, as well as any acts of corruption, theft, embezzlement, abuse of power, fraud, or other unethical and dishonest behavior, are encouraged to report them through the designated channels.
Whistleblowing Channels for Reporting and Complaints:
Related Perspectives
Complaint Channels

Related Perspectives

Professional Ethics and Integrity

Complaint Channels

Address: No. 261, Renhua Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City
Responsible Department: Audit Office

Related Perspectives

Corruption and Bribery

Complaint Channels

Phone: 04-24914141#6211
Responsible Department: Procurement Department

Related Perspectives

Product and Services

Complaint Channels

Phone: 04-24914141
Responsible Department: Customer Service Department

Related Perspectives

Human Rights-related Issues

Complaint Channels

Phone: 04-24914141#6189
Anonymous QR Code Whisper Zone
Responsible Department: Human Resources Department