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REXON Industries Attains First Sports Enterprise Certification, Embracing Corporate Social Responsibility

REXON Industries Attains First Sports Enterprise Certification, Embracing Corporate Social Responsibility

At the Sports Administration Ministry of Education event, REXON Industries proudly received its inaugural "Sports Enterprise Certification Award," marking a commitment to employee well-being and harmony. The company encourages employee sports clubs, like hiking, badminton, and yoga, and organizes annual trips and tournaments for work-life balance. Their modern fitness center with top-notch equipment, led by executives who actively engage in workouts, further fosters camaraderie. These efforts help reduce stress, instill physical activity habits, and promote a positive, vibrant workplace.

REXON's Fun Autumn Hike & Mountain Cleanup to Keep Nature Pristine!

REXON's Fun Autumn Hike & Mountain Cleanup to Keep Nature Pristine!

Ah, the gentle chill of autumn, the perfect season for outdoor escapades! REXON Industries embraced this delightful weather by hosting an invigorating hike. But, we didn't stop at just hiking – we embarked on a mission to spruce up our beautiful mountains, ensuring they maintain their pristine charm. The entire event was a harmonious blend of leisure and eco-friendliness, allowing everyone to witness the enchanting transformation of autumn foliage and the diligent preparations of insects for the approaching winter. It wasn't just a physical workout; it was a delightful escape for our spirits too.

Celebrating the Festive Season Together with a Sustainable Lifestyle Attitude

Celebrating the Festive Season Together with a Sustainable Lifestyle Attitude

Try closing your eyes and listen to others' instructions, experiencing the sense of achievement when a task is completed. During the negotiation between REXON and 'SOBRIGHT' for this year's Mid-Autumn Festival gift boxes, the staff mentioned that some of their workers have disabilities, but their hands are capable of normal activities. They place the right people in the right positions, allowing each individual to utilize their strengths. They train individuals with various disabilities to collaborate and complement each other's abilities, doing tasks that they might not be able to do alone. Their dedication and care inspire us to share this love with everyone, wishing you all a joyful Mid-Autumn Festival! This year, extreme weather conditions have been more severe than ever. There was a water shortage in the south at the beginning of the year, and recently, we've experienced bright sunshine in the morning followed by possible heavy rain in the afternoon. This makes us realize the importance of a sustainable environment. For our mailing this time, we've replaced traditional bubble wrap with recycled honeycomb paper for packaging and used eco-friendly plastic bags for outer packaging. Our Mid-Autumn gift selection is filled with love but without excessive packaging, allowing us to send love and also contribute to the environment.

REXON's Green Commitment: Successful 2022 Emissions Audit at Dali Facility, Progressing Towards Zero Emissions Goal

REXON's Green Commitment: Successful 2022 Emissions Audit at Dali Facility, Progressing Towards Zero Emissions Goal

In response to the challenges posed by global warming and climate change, REXON Industry undertook a greenhouse gas emissions audit for its Dali facility in Taiwan from June 20th to July 11th, 2023, conducted by the renowned SGS company. Today, we are proud to announce the successful completion of this audit on August 10th, 2023, along with the attainment of an audit certification. This successful audit highlights REXON's steadfast dedication to environmental protection and its proactive stance on global climate change issues. REXON has been committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and consistently enhancing environmental conservation measures, ensuring a symbiotic relationship between business operations and environmental preservation. Following SGS's professional audit, we are delighted to declare that the greenhouse gas emissions from REXON's Dali facility have been confirmed to comply with relevant standards. REXON is more than just a corporation; it is an active partner in social responsibility. We actively engage in driving national policies and wholeheartedly support global carbon reduction initiatives.

Looking back on the Summer Little Troopers event, it was a joyful journey of exploration!

Looking back on the Summer Little Troopers event, it was a joyful journey of exploration!

Looking back on the Summer Little Troopers event, it was a joyful journey of exploration! REXON Industrial invited the Little Troopers to participate in a fun and educational experience. They learned about electric tools and fitness equipment, experienced their parents' work, and expressed gratitude with self-made cards. The event fostered family awareness, responsibility, and social participation. It also showcased the Little Troopers' talents and contributions. Thanks to all participants for making it meaningful. Looking forward to more exciting activities together!

Rexon Industries is verified through the “Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards” and the “AA1000 Assurance Standard v3 Type 1 Moderate Assurance

Rexon Industries is verified through the “Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards” and the “AA1000 Assurance Standard v3 Type 1 Moderate Assurance

Rexon has published Sustainability Report for the year 2022, following the guidelines set forth by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards (2021) and the Taiwan Stock Exchange's "Operating Guidelines for Listed Companies to Prepare and Submit Sustainability Reports" and "Practical Guidelines for Sustainable Development of Listed and OTC Companies." The report was also compiled with reference to the framework provided by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) for climate-related financial disclosures. The disclosed information in the report aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and has been verified through the SGS verification process, meeting the assurance level of Type 1 Moderate Assurance according to the AA1000 Assurance Standard v3. For further details, please download the full report from the ESG section.

Love Sharing

Love Sharing

As the grape season approaches, Lai Mama's grapes are being packed and loaded onto trucks to be delivered to the market. Lai Yue, a single mother, raises four children on her own. With her perseverance, courage, and down-to-earth personality, she tends to the land and cultivates grapes in Dacun Township, Changhua County. On this day, the grapes we ordered have finally arrived at the company. As the back door of the truck opens, a rich aroma of grapes fills the air. Upon opening the boxes, we see plump purple grapes, each one a testament to the meticulous cultivation of the small farmer. The small farmers are also thoughtful, cleaning every gap between the grape clusters before carefully packaging and delivering them to customers. In Taiwan, there are many small farmers like Lai Mama who wholeheartedly protect the land and grow crops with care, treating both people and the land well. By enjoying delicious and trustworthy fruits and vegetables, we can also help motivate small farmers to continue their dedication. Now is the grape season. Have you tasted grapes yet? If you missed out this year, make sure not to miss them next year.

Participating in the "Everlasting Health" Program

Participating in the "Everlasting Health" Program

Individual collectors (commonly known as scavengers) play a crucial role in the resource recycling system, tirelessly collecting and organizing recyclables day and night. The Taichung City Environmental Protection Bureau launched the "Everlasting Health" program, inviting companies to provide reflective hats, reflective vests, and other necessary items for individual collectors to improve their work safety and reduce risks during the collection process. Recently, through the sale of company commemorative T-shirts, we participated in the "Everlasting Health" program. With the enthusiastic participation of our employees, some of them generously donated money instead of purchasing clothing items directly. The total amount raised during the charity sale was TWD 9,750. We used the entire amount to purchase 102 reflective vests. The love of our company's employees will shine through the streets and alleys, serving the community with all our hearts.