Corporate News


Lean Production、5S

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Over the years, Rexon products have been honored with several prestigious awards in Taiwan, including the First National Invention and Creation Award, the National Industrial Innovation Award and the CSR Award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
More than that, Rexon keeps improving the manufacture process by successfully introduced the Lean Production and 5S Project with the guidance of Leadership Enterprise, and has obtained ISO-9002 verification, ISO 9001 and ISO-14000 certification for compliance with the European Common Market standards, and listed in the top 500 companies in Taiwan.
5S project is originated in Japan and initially referred to the effective management of personnel, machinery, materials, and the environment in factories. Now, this mindset was further applied to the optimization of operational and service processes.
By implementing the principles of 5S - sorting (SEIRI), organizing (SEITON), cleaning (SEISO), standardizing (SEIKETSU), and discipline (SHITSUKE) to minimize the waste, strengthen and enhance the manufacturing quality. Rexon is building up a pattern and further cultivate the 5S culture deep in the spirit of the company.